Essentials of Thought Leadership & Content Marketing

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Content Marketing: Generate Leads & Build Your Brand

Published by Quill Driver Books

C ontent marketing has become a huge area for businesses, yet few books explore how companies should “connect the dots” with engaging thought leadership and content with a robust digital marketing platform to generate leads through a CRM system. The book shows step-by-step how both consumer and business-to-business companies can develop compelling industry thought leadership. Readers will learn and see examples of what makes thought leadership stand out and how to produce compelling whitepapers, guides, info-graphics, videos, webinars, and blogs by tapping into the knowledge of subject matter experts.

Readers are shown how to create compelling digital content and promote it through email campaigns, social media, web marketing, search engine marketing, search engine optimization, and re-targeting. It details how to generate, score, grade, and route leads with the ultimate aim of passing on qualified leads to sales teams. The book also provides methods for pitching worthy content to media outlets in an effort to increase the company’s brand awareness and industry influence. Profiled companies include Whole Foods, IBM, a museum, and a magazine publishing company. The book draws on interviews with consulting firms, industry research, best practices literature, and vendor studies.